Soap Workshop

聯合書院校友會主辦 — 「手工肥皂」工作坊 (初階)

日期:2024年2月4日 (星期日)
Date: 4th February, 2024 (Sunday)
時間:14:00 至 16:00 (A班) 或 16:30 至 18:30 (B班)
Time: 14:00 to 16:00 (Class A) or 16:30 to 18:30 (Class B)
地點:香港天后英皇道26-36號地下5號舖 (校友會為是次活動租用此場地)
地圖: (鄰近港鐵天后站)
Venue: Shop 5, G/F, 26-36 King's Road, Tin Hau, Hong Kong (UCAA has rented this venue for this event)
Map: (near Tin Hau MTR Station)


名額:每班 20人,兩班共 40人 (名額有限,先到先得)
Quota: 20 people per class, 40 people in total for two classes (limited places, first come first served)
費用:每位HK$80;親子組合兩位起 (例如一位校友帶同一名孩子,費用就是 HK$160)
費用包括材料 (皂基、化妝品級別的皂用色素/雲母粉、化妝品香精)、起泡網、肥皂架和包裝袋,每人可製作兩件作品;校友會將提供模具和工具給參加者於現場使用。
Fee: HK$80 per person; parent-child group consists of at least 2 persons (for example, if an alumnus brings his child, the fee is HK$160)
The fee includes materials (soap base, cosmetic-grade soap colouring/mica powder, cosmetic essence), foaming net, soap stand and packaging bag. Each person can make two pieces of soap; UCAA will provide moulds and tools for participants for on-site use.